5 To Do's - How to shut off the Air Conditioner after Summer

To many people, shutting off the Air Conditioner means unplugging the switch and covering the outside condenser unit. While this is a layman approach towards a heavy duty HVAC system like the Air Conditioner, the professional's approach is all the way different. Since we know little about the heating and cooling system, we should rather rely on professional's advice. So here we bring to you; the professional's recommended way of switching off the Air Conditioner for the season. 

1. What you already do - Switch off!!!

You already switch off. So yes, begin by switching off the unit. In the case it is a Central Air Conditioner, switch off first from the Thermostat and later, disconnect the power supply to the condenser unit from the electrical box located close to it. Switch it to ''off'' position.

2. What you don't (usually) do - Clean filter at the end of season

A lot many people, as the summer ends, forget about changing the filter, not realizing the fact that the same duct work would be used to blow warm air in winters. As a result, the filters are usually very dirty when the Furnace is turned on for the first time in winters. From now on; add this to-do of cleaning/replacing filters at the end of summer in your list. 

3. Let the indoor breathe fresh

Nature has its own way to take us through different seasons. You don't have an abrupt change in seasons. They are very subtle and serene. And this is why, as the summer ends, there is a period of moderate weather that neither requires Air Conditioner nor Furnace. And that is the time when you should allow your indoor to breathe fresh air. Some homeowners continue to use Air Conditioners until they see the first blow of Winter (a little exaggeration). This practice results in a very contaminated indoor. Since the indoor does not get sufficient fresh air and becomes more polluted than the outdoor air. So make the most use of the moderate weather period after summers and use only fans if needed. Keep the windows open and let fresh air circulate.

4. Clean the outdoor condenser unit thoroughly

It is recommended to clean the unit before starting using it but the same is recommended as you bid good bye to your unit. First remove the leaves, dust and debris from the unit using a fine brush. A low pressure vacuum will do as well. After that, use a hose to clean the unit with plain water. During this course of action, if any damage to the unit is inspected, get it repaired instantly instead of postponing it for the next summer. This is because the problem might worsen over time.

5. Cover the condenser unit 

One confusion that homeowners face is whether or not to cover the condenser unit. Some say not covering the unit makes it a home to pests and animals. While others say that covering their unit results in excessive moisture accumulation and eventually causing the unit to rust. So what to do?
The right way is to cover the unit but not just with any cloth. Cover it with insulated covers manufactured specifically for the condenser units. If you wish to keep it cheaper, use vinyl tarp waterproof plastic to cover the unit. Use elastic cords to hold it tight around the unit.

The advice of all advices if to provide your unit with proper maintenance throughout the season. The wise homeowners, even at the end of summer, call a maintenance tech to ensure that they are closing the system with no sickness. Make sure you do the same this time.


What Not To Do When AC Stops Working

A good AC is one that boasts exceptional home comfort by even temperature, reduce the energy bill and deliver the highest or exceptional reliability. HVAC manufacturers keep rolling out the enhanced and competitive product to exceed the expectation and leave no stone unturned to provide homeowners the best of the best HVAC equipment. However, there are still some inevitable consequences of neglecting timely AC maintenance which leave homeowners in an urgent need of appliance repair. But hey! There are things that must not be tried as part of DIY. Read on the article to know what not to do when the Air Conditioner stops working.

Don’t lose the cool and try not to fix it yourself:

Don’t be panic; call Air Conditioner specialists for the fastest emergency service. Tinkering with the AC unit is not as simple as it seems and is best to be left to the HVAC technicians. They can troubleshoot the system to get it up to function smoothly. Meanwhile, you can google to wrap your head around to watch HOW TO VIDEOS or DIY tips to troubleshoot the problem.
Unless you have prior experience with troubleshooting unit or mechanical repair, pass the problem to a pro who can fix the problem in half the time.

Don’t ignore the obvious:

Before you lose the cool and start calling the expert or looking at the replacement parts yourself. Be sure to check Thermostat to ensure program settings are correct; it should be set to auto. It is also good to verify that the thermostat battery is not running out.
Make sure the circuit breaker is not tripped, if so, flip the breaker on and see if the unit works. The other glaring problem can be clogged air, clean the filter with soft brushes, lukewarm water, and soap and check if it remedies the problem. 

Most frequent AC Unit Problem homeowners face:

The best remedy to make AC unit work again is to clean and repair the filters. If the problem persists, there may be a list of other issues to diagnose with simple DIY methods. However, if you are running a new system and have no knowledge about HVAC equipment, consider availing the services of a professional – especially when problem is severe and can’t be fixed on your own.

- AC unit not blowing the cold air
- Ac unit does not turn on
- Ac does not turn off
- Leaking water inside and outside
- Sudden leakage when turned off
- Unusual smell and noise
To resolve the issues outlined above requires expertise. Therefore we recommend consulting an HVAC technician. 

Avoid switching on and off your AC unit:

When AC runs as it supposed to, it automatically turns on and off according to the changing temperature. When you repeatedly switch on and off; it puts an extra burden and maximize the chances of wear and tear. 

Don’t Miss Out Yearly Inspection

We wholly rely on an air conditioner in hot and humid months hence can’t afford its sudden breakdown. Having an AC unit serviced annually makes it run more smoothly, improves longevity, and saves you money on electric bills.
